Saturday, September 1, 2018

ActiveFX Laser Skin Resurfacing

Q.What is ActiveFX?

A.During an ActiveFX fractional resurfacing procedure, a high-energy beam of laser light interacts with the skin's surface, causing the upper layer to peel off and regenerate a layer of new, healthy skin.
With ActiveFX, only a fraction of the skin's surface is treated. The laser beam is applied in a fractional pattern, leaving small "bridges" of untouched skin. This technique makes the healing process much faster and enables you to get back to normal activities sooner.

Q. Is ActiveFX right for me?

A.ActiveFX is an ideal treatment option if you:

• have a busy lifestyle or cannot be away from work for a long time.
• want noticeable results with minimal downtime.
• want to treat dyschromia, fine lines, wrinkles, skin laxity, or acne scars.

ActiveFX Benefits

ActiveFX produces a dramatic effect on the skin:
• Causes immediate skin tightening.
• Reduces wrinkles and fine lines, and softens deeper frown lines.
• Noticeably improves skin tone and texture.
• Stimulates new collagen formation and plumps the skin.
• Reduces acne scars.

ActiveFX results are long-term and, with proper sun protection, can last for many years. Most effects of treatment become visible right away, whereas others - such as new collagen formation - build up gradually and results in continued smoothing over time. Therefore, most people continue to show improvement up to 6 months after the procedure.

 Q. Can you show some before and after pictures of your work in Nigeria?

A. Yes! Just watch my video below

Q. How much does it cost to perform an ActiveFX and a tribal mark removal in your clinic in Nigeria?

A. It depends on the patient's initial condition but sincerely speaking tribal mark removal and Active FX are inexpensive nowadays. You don't necessarily have to travel down to our clinic to get quotes.When you send us a clear picture of your condition, we can give you an estimate of how much you will pay.


  1. Pls help me how can I remove my tribal mark because I don't like it at all

    1. You can order our tribal mark removal cream on our website:

      Alternatively send am email to if you have a special request to remove your marks.

  2. Pls how can I remove my tribal mark because I don't like it at all

  3. Please i want to remove my tribal mark and I can't fine you contact to communicate you here is my contact and my email account 08037951503 please is hugent

    1. You can contact the doctor with his email:
      You can a also read further on his blog:
